










Make Lives Better: Study 化学工程 at Kettering

From the food the world consumes to the fuel that powers global transportation, the future depends on chemical engineers. They have the skills and drive to turn lab innovations into profitable, 大规模的制造过程和产品使生活更美好,更容易. 

凯特林的化学工程学位为你担任这些重要角色做好了准备, empowering you to troubleshoot and solve problems, design new products and create a healthier, 干净的世界. Here, 在化学工程课程中,你将体验到理论和实践的学习, the lab, 我们无与伦比的合作项目可以帮助你为你在现实世界中遇到的事情做好准备. 

With robust coursework that allows you to put theory into practice, our chemical engineering degree will put you in control of your future. 探索凯特林的化学工程学位课程,从今天开始设计未来.


Addressing Global Challenges: Kettering’s 化学工程 Programs

我们的化学工程课程旨在帮助您为改善您周围的世界做好准备. You’ll learn to apply theory to practice in innovative on-campus laboratories , the backbone of our chemical engineering programs. There, you’ll collaborate with peers on projects, 学习至关重要的技能,并获得工业化学设备和工艺的实际实践经验.

Undergraduate students work in a built-in, 付费合作项目, 这意味着你在化学工程学位上的投资马上就会得到回报. Once you have your degree in chemical engineering, 这样你就能在候选人名单中名列前茅,并能在简历上列出多年的专业经验.

In addition to the chemical engineering degree, 还有一些辅修课程和选修课可以让你根据自己的职业目标来调整你的学位. 我们的化学工程专业学生可以完成可持续发展等领域的辅修课程, 制造业, business, 还有计算机科学,也选修生物工程等领域的课程, polymers, 材料工程, 电池技术.

At Kettering, 你将在小班学习,并有机会参加社交活动,帮助你与学生和教师建立联系,并建立一个终身的专业人士网络,你也可以称之为朋友.   


凯特林的化学工程课程和项目教你如何应用化学原理, math, physics and biology to design and enhance cutting-edge processes. 贯穿整个课程, 您将培养技能,以帮助组织彻底改变性能和产品质量, 提高盈利能力, reduce waste and pollution and adhere to strict safety standards. 

And, 你会发现我们的化学工程课程带给你的不仅仅是一份日常工作——它可以成为你获得回报的基石, 从石油化工、制药到替代能源等领域的蓬勃发展, 航空航天和食品.

Choose your degree in chemical engineering.

学位和课程 Degree type
Bachelor 浓度 Minor Master 网络的主人 Certificate 在线证书
Bachelor Master 网络的主人
Bachelor 浓度 Minor Master 网络的主人 Certificate 在线证书
Bachelor 浓度 Minor Master 网络的主人 Certificate 在线证书
Master 网络的主人

About the 化学工程系

化学工程系旨在培养化学工程师,他们是使我们的世界变得更美好的先驱. 我们的化学工程本科学位将帮助您发展改进材料的专业知识, 开发能源解决方案, 推进生物技术和医学, 还有更多. As a chemical engineering graduate from Kettering, 你们将有机会在应对世界挑战和改善我们的日常生活方面发挥重要作用.

Wondering what else makes Kettering different? 下面是一些例子:


本科生在学习化学工程课程的第一天就获得了带薪的专业经验. As you study, you’ll apply what you learn while working with one of our corporate partners, 比如博世, 福特汽车公司, 通用汽车——这只是其中的几个例子. 




Discover how chemical engineering impacts everything and everyone. See a heat exchanger operation for energy recovery in action, 运行精馏塔, 从空气中去除二氧化碳, explore new processes like turning algae into fuel, model a 制造业 plant and reverse engineer a coffeemaker. 


While you learn how to use modeling and data analysis software, study reaction rates and heat and momentum transfer, you’ll build project management and problem-solving skills. 您还将学习成本,收入,投资回报率和其他因素如何影响化工厂流程.

Learn in a fast-paced, culturally diverse community

如果你是本科生, 你将加入我们的弗林特号, Michigan, 获得化学工程学位,并在课堂之外体验丰富的正规赌博十大网站. Browse student organizations and Greek Life. 


Incoming graduate students have on-campus and online program options. 以最适合你的方式获得化学工程硕士学位.

In The Lab

您将在实验室中获得工业化学设备和工艺的实验室规模版本的经验. 你正确使用这些工具的技能和知识将在你的学位课程中得到检验. 


涵盖计算机编程基础知识以及如何将其应用于化学工程解决方案. 使用高级程序, including a powerful chemical process simulator, to formulate chemical engineering problems and develop computational solutions. 


通过评估过程测量,了解流体力学和传热与化学工程的关系, 流体静力学和动力学, 流量计量, 换热器设计与分析, and more. 学习进料回路的设计和解决动量和热输运的边值问题.

Separations, Reaction and Prototyping Lab

Design, 当您探索使用反应器进行化工生产的操作和优化时,构建和演示设备原型. Study the separation and purification of products using distillation columns, 吸附柱和过滤.​​​​​​​ 

Our Prominent Faculty Lead Kettering’s 化学工程 Programs

At Kettering, 小班教学意味着你可以在实验室和化学工程课程中学习和实验,我们的教师——精力充沛、热情的教授在包括材料工程在内的各个领域都有研究专长, 可替代能源, 电池技术, 可持续性, 计算建模. 他们是各自领域的顶尖专家,进行着改变人们生活的现实研究.

Our professors know that the future depends on you and want to see you succeed. 他们在这里帮助你建立你在化学工程中担任关键角色所需的技能.


Our 化学工程 Programs Are Ranked and Recognized

  • 凯特林的化学工程专业是密歇根独一无二的,也是全国独一无二的. 我们的STEM课程以独特而有影响力的方式融合了学术和实践经验.
  • As you earn your degree in chemical engineering at Kettering, you’ll be supported throughout your education.
  • 除了有爱心的教师, 整个团队在幕后工作,支持你的合作社经验:如何找到有利可图的机会, 准备简历, 在面试中表现出色, 选择适合自己的合作项目,并与凯特林校友建立联系,他们会告诉你真实的世界是什么样的.
  • 我们获得了ABET工程认证委员会(EAC)的认证,并因我们致力于优质教育和创新而受到许多出版物的赞誉。
    • Ranked first in career preparation in 2017 by the Wall Street Journal
    • Ranked 13th nationally in non-PhD engineering programs in 2022 by U.S. 新闻与世界报道
    • Ranked second in the College Gazette’s Top 10 Best “Hidden Gem” U.S. 2021年的技术学校

金融援助 for Our 化学工程 Programs

There are so many ways to fund your Kettering education. 我们会帮助你获得经济援助, grants, 奖学金——别忘了你将在你的合作项目中获得的薪水.

The average Kettering student makes between $45,000 and $70,000 while they study here — on top of the grants, loans and/or work-study options that 99% of our students receive.

Kettering also has 100+ scholarship opportunities available to incoming freshmen. Institutional grants based on financial need are available from Kettering, the state of Michigan and the federal government as well.

Be Kettering Built: Earn Your 化学工程 Degree

Are you ready to start your journey to earn your chemical engineering degree? 我们是来回答你的问题的, help you explore our chemical engineering courses and map out your future. Request more information or apply today.
